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Adolescent Girls in Panchayat Process and reflection of their demands in GPDP

The Balika Panchayat has several aims, including providing a safe space for girls to express themselves, promoting gender equality, and addressing various issues related to health, education, early marriage, violence, and more. By creating a safe space for girls, the Balika Panchayat aims to foster an environment where girls feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, concerns, and experiences. This platform can empower girls to voice their opinions and actively participate in decision-making processes. Promoting gender equality is crucial in challenging societal norms and stereotypes that hinder girls' development and opportunities. The Balika Panchayat can work towards dismantling discriminatory practices and advocating for equal access to education, healthcare, and opportunities for girls in the community. The Balika Panchayat also focuses on addressing specific issues that affect girls, such as early marriage, violence, and lack of access to adequate health and education services. By raising awareness about these issues and working towards their prevention and resolution, the

Balika Panchayat contributes to improving the overall well-being and prospects of girls in the community.

Mr. Suresh emphasized on right to participation of children. Resolutions discussed in Balika sabha is brought to gram sabha. GPDP is a huge exercise in the village and adolescents’ involvement is very important. They give insights not only on the infrastructural issues pertaining to school or transport but they also raise concerns on quality of education, teachers’ availability, drop-outs, motivational schemes, etc. Gram Panchayat is made responsible and

                  accountable for actions taken in Gram sabha. Youth is involved in use of technology where gram panchayat needs to make use of technology.

There are some schemes launched by gram panchayat.

1. Vhali dikri na vadhamana in which mother and family of the girl child is felicitated and nutritious food is gifted to the mother

2. Balika panchayat is the platform for adolescent girls to meet and raise their issues to grampanchaayt

3. Aarohi is an initiative where area or lane of the village is named after the name of the girl who has reamarkable achievement.

4. Ghar ki pehchan beti ke naam is an initiative to break the

stereotype where name of man is written on the house. Kunariya gram panchayat tagged the houses with names of girls if family had a girl child.

5. Mother’sprideisfelicitatingyoungboyorgirlwhoseinvolvement has helped gram panchayt in reaching the goals by bringing change in the community and making the village a better place to live.


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