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Celebrated World Yoga Day at Kunariya Primary School


On the 10th International Yoga Day, Kunariya Panchayat and the primary school collaborated to organize a comprehensive Yoga  session, uniting the community in celebration of health and well-being.

The event began with a warm welcome from the school's headmaster, setting a positive tone for the day. Sureshbhai Chhanga then took the stage to discuss the many benefits of Ashtanga yoga, highlighting its importance in daily life and emphasizing that yoga is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

Community Health Officer rinkalben followed with a practical yoga class, guiding participants through various poses and techniques. The session aimed to make yoga accessible and enjoyable for all attendees.

 Niharika ma’am conducted a session on pranayama, the practice of controlled breathing, and provided valuable insights into maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular yoga practice.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from the village's youth, women, health staff, and school staff, all coming together to celebrate and learn about the holistic benefits of yoga.

This successful event showcased the power of community effort in promoting health and well-being, and it underscored the universal appeal and accessibility of yoga.


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