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"Environmental Sustainability: World Environment Day Celebrations in Kunariya"

June 5th is celebrated worldwide as World Environment Day. This celebration was initiated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, aiming to spread awareness about various types of forests around the globe.

This year's World Environment Day theme was "Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action: Our Land, Our Future." Today, urbanization, industrialization, and development are having serious effects on the global environment. People are feeling the impacts of climate change across almost all sectors. Surveys now focus on reducing the effects of human activities on the global environment and brainstorming various solutions for a better world and for future generations. It is crucial for people to engage more in tree planting activities in the coming times.

The Kutch Forest Department is taking remedial measures against global warming and climate change. Efforts include planting trees in large areas like Kutch, preventing environmental damage, raising saplings in nurseries, and distributing saplings free of cost. The department is also implementing farmer-oriented schemes for environmental maintenance. During this monsoon, the forest department, in collaboration with the social forestry department and voluntary organizations, will roll out the "Vriksharath" in the villages of 10 talukas of the Kutch district, filled with good quality saplings. This initiative will promote the importance of preserving nature by visiting village streets and distributing saplings door-to-door.

Today, a program was organized in Village Nokhaniya (Kunariya), District Bhuj, to celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th. Attendees included Mr. H V Makwana - Deputy Conservator of Forests, Social Forestry Department - Bhuj,  Mr. Navinbhai Bapat and Mr. Pankajbhai Joshi, deputy Sarpanch shree Sureshbhai Chhanga of Kunariya village, Nokhaniya village leader Mr. Pravinbhai Ahir, and environmental enthusiast Jadeja Ajit Singh. Villagers from Nokhaniya-Kunaria attended as well. Dignitaries elaborated on important issues such as climate change, increasing pollution, and declining tree numbers. A drawing competition on the theme of environmental preservation was also organized, with prizes distributed to the winning students. The dignitaries inaugurated the tree chariot, and a symbolic tree planting took place.


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