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Attendance Champion: Transforming School Attendance with Creative Solutions

 Attendance Champion: An Initiative to Improve School Attendance

Quality education is the right of every child. To ensure this, the government has been celebrating the Sala praveshotsav  and kanya kelvani mahotsav, both of which have yielded positive results. While we've made significant strides in enrolling eligible children, we have  reach a 100% enrollment target. However, we now face the challenge of absence among enrolled children.

To address this issue, the kunariya Panchayat and  schools have taken special steps to bring absens children back to school. One of the key measures is appointing a volunteer, known as the "Attendance Champion," in each maholla. These volunteers, who are passionate about children's education, are responsible for ensuring that children attend school regularly.

The Attendance Champion initiative has already begun in Maholla, where volunteers actively work to send absent children to school. They also discuss with parents, informing them about the negative impact of their child's absence on their learning. 

Moreover, classroom attendance is encouraged through a competitive spirit among the students. Children are motivated to be present more often, knowing that their attendance could earn them recognition. At the end of the year, the student with the highest attendance in each class is publicly honored.

Through the Attendance Champion scheme, we aim to gradually improve the attendance rates of children, ensuring that every child has access to the quality education they deserve.

This innovative approach not only addresses the issue of absence but also fosters a community-driven effort to enhance educational outcomes for all children.


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