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E-Buddy Scheme: Ensuring the Safety of Kindergarten and Class-1 & 2 Students @ KUNARIYA


E-Buddy Scheme: Ensuring the Safety of Kindergarten and Class-1 & 2 Students

Transitioning into a new school environment can be daunting for young children, particularly those in Kindergarten and Class-1 & 2. The E-Buddy scheme has been introduced to provide an additional layer of security and reassurance for these young learners, addressing specific challenges they face on their way to school.

Addressing Safety Concerns

children encounter various risks on their way to school. Stray dogs, animals, and unfamiliar surroundings can be intimidating for them. Additionally, parents often have to leave for farming or labor early in the morning, making it difficult for them to personally escort their children to school.

How the E-Buddy Scheme Works

The E-Buddy scheme leverages the support of older students to ensure the safety of younger ones. Here's how it operates:

Buddy System: Older students are paired with younger ones, creating a 'buddy system.' These older students take on the responsibility of looking out for their younger peers.


Whistle Reminders: At the start of the school day, older students use whistles to signal younger children in the neighborhood when it's time to leave for school. This auditory cue helps ensure that no child is left behind.

Safe Escort: The older students walk with the younger children, forming a group that travels safely together to school. This not only provides physical security but also a sense of companionship and confidence for the younger students.

Positive Impact on the Community

The implementation of the E-Buddy scheme has several positive outcomes:

Increased School Attendance: With the assurance of a safe journey to school, more parents are encouraged to send their children regularly. This has led to a noticeable increase in classroom attendance.

Community Building: The scheme fosters a sense of responsibility and community among older students, promoting leadership and care for their younger peers.

Peace of Mind for Parents: Knowing that their children are safely escorted to school allows parents to focus on their work without worry.

The E-Buddy scheme is a commendable initiative that addresses the specific needs of young children ensuring their safety and promoting regular school attendance. By fostering a supportive community environment, it lays a strong foundation for the overall development and well-being of these young learners.


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