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Empowering Villages: setu abhiyan Hosts Model Panchayat Workshop


Workshop on “model Panchayat” Held for Gram Panchayats of Bhuj block

Development of the village is possible with the participation of the people. 

Sarpanch members and secretaries of 11 villages exchanged ideas. 

It was stated at the Adarsh Panchayat Workshop held in Bhuj that the participation of all people, in addition to the efforts of the Gram Panchayat, is necessary for the development of the village. Sarpanch members and (Talati)  secretaries from 11 Gram Panchayats of Bhuj Taluka attended the program organized by the Setu Abhiyan Sanstha. In the workshop, Lataben sachde provided detailed information about the rights and duties given to citizens in the constitution of India and the criteria for an model panchayat. 

Panchayats where education, mid-day meals, food, grocery stores, and infrastructure facilities are easily available, various government schemes have reached at least 80% of the population, and tax collection is up to 80%, can be called model panchayats. Kunariya Panchayat Upsarpanch Sureshbhai discussed the various efforts made towards creating an model village. Ward meetings, women's group meetings, Gram Panchayat-affiliated organizations like health sub-centers, schools, and Anganwadis held meetings with professional groups and addressed their questions. He provided details about planning not only the infrastructural development of the village but also for its economic and social development. The model panchayat should look at how the basic needs of the people can be connected with the panchayat.

At the end of the program, Dhavalbhai Ahir expressed his thanks


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