Kunariya is the first village in the whole of India to form the first Balika Panchayat. An election was conducted. All girls within the age group of 10-21 years cast their vote, with the help of their Aadhar cards. The Sarpanch was elected and a Balika Panchayat body was formed. Meetings were conducted in the different wards by the Balika Panchayat. The Panchayat body worked for the education, health, entertainment, sports and livelihood for the girls of the village. A food competition was organized, with the aim of teaching the girls about the various nutrients they gain from different food items and its related importance. Education initiatives: -Awareness campaigns were conducted by the Balika Panchayat. (During the onset of mensuration, many girls dropout from schools. To combat this problem, the Balika Panchayat conducted awareness campaigns.) - Anganwadi workers were asked to prioritize the classrooms to be a learning space for the children. - A back to school campaig...
ગ્રામ પંચાયત વિસ્તાર માં લોક કલ્યાણની પ્રવૃત્તિ અને રાજ્ય અને કેન્દ્ર સરકાર નીયોજના ઓની અમલવારી કરી લોક ઉપયોગી કામો કરવા અને રાષ્ટ્ર નાં વિકાસ માં મહત્વ નું યોગદાન આપવું ૭૩ માં બંધારણીય સુધારા માં પંચાયતો ને મળેલી સતા અને ફરજો નું નિષ્ઠાપૂર્વક વહન કરવું અને અન્ય પંચાયતો નેઉપયોગી માહિતી પહોચાડવી